Awaken your natural healing ability

Q & A

What is Acupuncture?

The history of acupuncture is quite long.  In ancient China, the first text book for acupuncture treatment already existed in the 3rd century B.C.  In Japan, it was after the 6th century when the first text book was imported from China.  Since then, Japanese acupuncture developed as own way.

In Traditional Eastern Medicine, it is said that energy (=Ki) of the human body flows in so-called meridians which are like body-map.  There are over 300 meridian points on these meridians.  All points have functions to adjust or enhance energy flow in meridians.  When a practitioner treats a patient, she or he exams the patient’s body to pick the best acupuncture points.  

First, the practitioner observes the patient.  Secondly, checks the pulse, the tongue and the trunk area.  Finally, asks some questions to determine a diagnosis.  The diagnosis is very important.  Which acupuncture points are chosen is based on this diagnosis.

After determining the diagnosis, the practitioner works with the needles on the patient’s body.  Needles are retained for a while after insertion. The depth, number of needles and how long they stay on the body depend on the patient’s condition. 


What is Moxa Treatment?

Moxa, dried mugwort, is a herb with greenish and earthy fragrance. It has many health benefits such as increasing blood flow and hemostatic, sedative and analgesic functions. The word as moxa was derivered from Japanese “mogusa”. However, when Japanese talk about moxibustion=moxa treatment in Japanese, it is “kyu”

The history of moxibustion has started a long time ago; about 3000 years ago in China. Moxa treatment was imported to Japan in the 6th century at the same time as acupuncture. It puts burned moxa on the skin indirectly or directly to warm up a problematic area locally, or on meridian points which associate with the problem. Moxa is able to treat both acute and chronic inflammation. The practitioner decides what kind of moxa and how to apply it.


Do Needles Hurt?

We use very thin needles which as this as a human hair. People feel no pain or slightly like a mosquito bite when a needle is inserted into the body.


What to Expect at Acupuncture Treatment?

While you are taking acupuncture treatment, you may experience heaviness, numbness or tingling feelings. Also, you may feel a radiating sensation flowing in your body. This means your energy (Ki) starts to spread and move in your body. These are normal response of the body for acupuncture.

During the treatment, people feel comfortable and relax. Some people are almost completely asleep.


are There Any Side Effects?

Acupuncture is very safe treatment with no side effect,

After the treatment, you may feel a lightheaded a bit especially if you were in a face-down position for long. In this case, please drink water, sit down and rest for a while before you leave.

Also after the treatment, you may feel a slight soreness, or fatigue sometimes. It doesn’t happen always, but it may happen especially the first time you have acupuncture treatment, or a patient has a severe condition.

A human body has its own healing power. After the treatment, the body notices how tired and sick it was, and then it tries to adjust to what it should be. You feel this transaction of the body. This is not an unusual reaction or side effect. In this case, also please drink plenty of water after the treatment to detoxify your body.


How to Prepare Before the Treatment?

Please make sure you eat before coming to the treatment, but at least 30-minutes after the meal. It is not a good idea if you are too full or have an empty stomach. Drinking alcohol is not good idea either.

Please go to the bathroom before the treatment.


What Kinds of Activities are Not Recommended After the Treatment?

After the treatment, it is not recommended to do exercise aggressively, or to drink heavily or to have a big meal. Taking a long bath is not recommended as well. These activities may reduce or suppress the treatment effect. You may feel more tired next day.

Do not do too much activity, take it easy and go to bed early on the treatment day.


What Kind of Clothes Do I Wear for Acupuncture Treatment?

We ask you to take off your clothes at the treatment. Wear clothes that are easy to take on and off.

Also, we ask you please do not wear a strong perfume when you visit the office.


How Many Times Do I Need the Treatment?

It depends on the duration, severity and nature of the problem. An initial treatment plan will usually consist of 6-8 session, but this will be fewer or more based upon the patient’s condition.

Generally, an acute or recently occurring case heals faster and fewer treatments are needed while chronic or multiple symptoms take longer to heal and more treatments are needed. 

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